
Comprehensive Dentistry

We want to provide a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles for you and your family. One of the ways we do that is to offer comprehensive solutions to meet your dental health needs.

Whether you need basic preventive care or a complete cosmetic smile makeover, we’re here for you. We know your time is valuable and we don’t want to have to refer you away from our office for treatments. That’s why we offer services like scaling and planing, root canal therapy, and sleep apnea treatment right here in our convenient Athens location. Click here for a full listing of our service options.

If you have questions about our comprehensive dentistry options or would like to schedule a consultation to begin designing your individualized treatment plan, contact our office today.

Preventive Dentistry

We provide excellent preventive care, including exams, cleanings, and digital x-rays. Early detection of dental problems is essential to gain optimal oral health. The American Dental Association recommends that you follow a schedule of twice yearly cleanings and exams.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is about making your dreams come true. If you ever hide your smile because you’re unhappy with your teeth, it’s time to consider our cosmetic smile solutions.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry is used to restore the strength and beauty of your smile. If you’ve been suffering from pain caused by decay or other health conditions, you may benefit from restorative therapy. We offer conservative treatment solutions to preserve your natural teeth, as well as tooth replacement options.


Invisalign® is a set of clear removable aligners that are worn over the teeth. These aligners can be removed to allow you to eat, brush, and floss normally. Invisalign® is comfortable, convenient, and easy to use.


Periodontics involves the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. At our dental office, we will gently evaluate your gums and overall oral health, and if necessary, will make recommendations for treatment.


Root canal therapy removes harmful bacteria from your tooth, healing infection, ending your pain and improving your health. When decay or a crack has reached the nerve of a tooth, a root canal is necessary.


Third molars, or wisdom teeth, are the last set of permanent molars to emerge. These teeth are also the most likely to require extraction, due to any of several complications. However, other teeth may also require extraction if they cannot be saved by root canal therapy or other treatment.

Emergency Dental Care

If you are in need of emergency dental care, please don’t hesitate to call our office.


At Dental Associates of Athens, we offer our patients the benefits of Botox® Cosmetic dermal fillers. What better way to enhance your freshly whitened smile, beautiful veneers, or straighter teeth than with a newly refreshed and more youthful appearance? Men and women alike can enjoy the benefits of these procedures, completed in our office in less than an hour.

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry uses medication to help you relax for a better dental care experience. Sedation dentistry can even help patients with severe dental anxiety.